The Happiness Card

In 2018, I created a new lift product called The Happiness Card. The Happiness Card brand and product concept were created with skiers and boarders in mind while leveraging the unique selling points of the resort’s branding. In its first and second years, The Happiness Card was sold as a frequency skier card that offered resort discounts with the ability to ski non-consecutively. The concept was a huge hit with guests in that it filled a need - the need to ski freely and not be forced to ski on consecutive ski dates.

Going into its third year, the Happiness Card continued to be a tremendous success from a ski visitation and revenue-driving standpoint, and the product was continually updated. In my last year as director of marketing at the resort, we made the decision to have the card replace all of the resort-specific lift tickets. In that iteration, it also featured direct-to-lift access for skiers and boarders. This allowed guests to skip the crowded lift ticket window and head straight to the lifts while avoiding being in close proximity to others - and thus avoiding any potential COVID transmission.

  • Role: Director of Marketing at Boyne Highlands Resort

  • Project Launch: Winter 2018/19, 2019/20, & last iteration 2020/21

  • Outcomes: Drove skier visits, increased revenue exponentially, increased lift ticket yields substantially, met goals


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